Saturday, June 30, 2007

Interpretation is everything

I've been working on Red Carpet Convertable, and I was having a tough time of it. I read the pattern incorrectly, thinking Chart A had to be knit 20 times, as in 160 rows total. Thanks to Bogiebogie at Knitter's Review, I now understand that the 20 times meant 20 repeats in the same one row. I have to rip out at least 10 rows of knitting but it will be worth it. Someone give me a dunce cap.

I'm very eager to get going on this. I'm making the top, not the dress. Yay, I'm excited by this turn of events. I feel like I'm-- Jenny, eyes wide open--. That's a Star Trek, The Next Generation reference.

Yesterday we saw Ratatouille. I thought it was very good. It was even cooler since we went to a drive in movie theater. Matt and I stumbled onto this idea last year when we went to see"Cars," with our kids. It's cheaper than getting a babysitter, and Matt and I still get to watch a movie. Granted, the movies we watch are rated G, but at least I can say I've actually gone to a movie! Before we stumbled on the drive in revelation, I missed alot of movies except for the Harry Potter movies. Matt's mom came to the rescue, (Thanks, Mom).

I've been feeling better from this bronchitis I have. I finished the Z-pac yesterday but I still have a cough. I really hope it will go away soon. I dislike being sick.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

I haven’t written in a while (No Duhh!).

I completely frogged Liz I and will be doing that in the distant future, the waaaaay distant future.

My elbow is still bugging me but since I last posted, I’ve had to go to the orthopedist (a little young guy, probably about my age) and have received 2 cortisone shots. The first one worked and I got some occupational therapy sessions. It was temporary because the day after my birthday (eww, I’m 39 now), I went back to the little dr. and he gave me another shot. It feels better and I’m back at the OT sessions with Barbara. She’s really very good and knows what she’s doing! Finally, someone who knows their business! Sorry, I’m in a really icky mood today. I’m feeling like poopy since I’ve got a chest cold and my sinuses are all clogged up. I think I’ll be talking to a dr. tomorrow. Aaah, antibiotics, here I come!

On a professional life note, it looks as if I’ll be doing the chiropractor thing. Mike is being really generous and has offered me a partnership! He’s such a good guy. I hope his girlfriend appreciates him.

As far as knitting is concerned, I’m presently making socks. They are from “Favorite Socks: 25 Timeless Designs from Interweave”. I’m working on Embossed Leaf Socks with knit picks memories in a purple-yellow- green combo. I don’t know the name of the combination and apparently Knit Picks has run out of it. Oh well, I don’t think I’ll need anymore of it anyway. I finished one sock and I’m about 2/3 done on the other. After that I’m going to work on Annie Modesitt’s Red Carpet Convertible top/dress. I’m going to make the top. It’s originally made with a 100% silk ribbon but when I went to look at the price, I almost had palpitations! It’s about $33 for one ball which is 160 yards, more or less. So, I’m substituting with Louisa Harding Sari Ribbon which was “only” $9.95. I think I’m going to need more though. I have 13 hanks but the yardage is about 90. Oh well. I’d like to have it done before “summer Christmas” but I don’t think that will happen. Only time will tell. Until next time…