Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I see a dr. in my future

I finally got myself an appointment to see an orthopedist about my elbow.  Unfortunately, it won’t be until next Friday.  The doc I went to see for it told me that that was pretty good time but I find that incredible.  It’s not like I live in NYC.  I live in a small town next to another small town so I wouldn’t think there would be much of a wait to see someone.  Oh well, what do I know?  Until then, my elbow is just getting worse and worse.  I can feel it.  
     As far as knitting news is concerned, I’ve been thinking that I should pick up the Inishmore I had been making for Matt.  I only got as far as the back, and I think I was almost done with it.  I haven’t finished swatching for the ribbed corset.  Is swatching a necessary evil or what?  I hate doing it, but there it is.  It’s one of those things you just have to do, not that you want to, like going through root canal.  I don’t know of anyone actually looking forward going through root canal, do you?
     Next Friday can’t come soon enough.

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