Saturday, September 02, 2006


It's September. What a wonderful time of the year! The kids go back to school, including my oldest, the husband goes back to school ( he's a teacher) and there is nothing like the feel of wool between your fingers. It warms my heart just to think of it.

As far as Liz I goes, it goes, albeit slowly. I'm done with the shaping at the bottom so I'm up to whatever is next after that. I don't have the pattern in front of me so I can't write about it. At this rate, I don't think I'll be wearing this to that wedding I mentioned previously in another post. Generally, I like to go shopping when I have an excuse, but I really liked the idea of wearing it for Randy's wedding. Oh well, let's see how far I get. I could probably get it done but having this bum elbow slows me down alot. I'm beginning to see a scalpel in my future if I'm not careful. If I have to give up knitting I will truly go crazy. It has preserved my sanity ever since I had my darling J (my oldest boy). I love him but the child knows how to push my buttons.

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